Part 41: Update XXXIX - Goondalf the G(enesis)
Part XXXIX - Goondalf the G(enesis)Battle has at last been joined at Avalon. Traitors in the South Gate opened the way for the Sha'ahoul hordes, allowing them to pour into the Outer Bailey.

They have been held off for now by Avalon's defenders, but unbeknownst to them, the invaders have also been pushing hard along the wall between the Peasant's and Outer Baileys. They seek to reach the Outer Keep and trap the men fighting in the bailey below in a deadly rear pincer attack! Until now, only a single unit of Blood Rose knights has prevented this dire fate from coming to pass, and now the unit's last surviving member, Mara, has left the task to the young hero Goondalf the G, while she hurries to seek reinforcements.

Using everything he has learned, from his earliest failed cantrips as a young boy to his latest tutelage under the highest wizards of Fornax, Goondalf the G pours every ounce of his strength into defending the narrow pass as dozens and dozens of Sha'ahoul warriors rush to kill him. Even summoning copies of himself, he realizes that he cannot keep this up forever. After calling forth a wave of searing fire to give himself some breathing room, Goondalf catches the eyes of one of his mirror images. The image returns a small, grim smile. Is it the same smile that he wears?

He can no longer keep track of which image is which, but he no longer needs to. He is surrounded, and so are the other three Goondalfs. Swords and axes and fists slam into him, and only his arcane shielding spells prevent them from being fatal blows.
"Casting a spell requires one to focus his mind and allow the magic to flow through him, making the body a vessel for magic to travel through." Anthamas's voice, or perhaps Goondalf's own. The pain makes it hard to tell.
"Yes... my body is a vessel for magic to travel through. Nothing more. What does it matter if the bodies fall? Magic will flow onward regardless." And flow on it does. Even as the weapons finally pierce Goondalf's flesh, the other Goondalfs continue to fight. Their will is pure, their minds are focused. Magic flows through them.

A trio of Blood Roses arrive, but too late for us. Goondalf Prime has fallen. His mirror images fight on, filled with his dying determination. Just as the last wave of Sha’ahoul is repelled, they vanish, their task complete.

What actually happened was an errant fireball caused the Blood Roses to aggro on me, and since they are coded to be invincible, that was eventual game over. That was not fun to find out after this pretty tough fight. And not exactly an epic end for our hero either, lol.
But no, it must not end like this…
By going up the stream of magic just a tiny bit, we can alter our course. This time, Goondalf knows just where and when the enemy will strike. He knows how much power is needed to kill that foe, and how much is needed to block that foe's attack. He does still crush, burn, and blast his enemies, but like Glacius taught him, he does more with less.
The Sha'ahoul may be able to kill a man, but they cannot kill magic itself! Goondalf lives!
Now when the reinforcements come, he stands tall, bloody but unbroken.

The knights who show up will fight if there are still enemies left in the wave... but Goondalf has already slain them all.

Cirrico: You have our thanks for saving Mara's life, and also for preventing the Sha'ahoul from overrunning our rear. How is it that you came to be here at such a fortuitous time?

Cirrico: Though the attack from the South Gate catwalk caught us off-guard, we have managed to prevent the enemy from breaking into the Outer and Peasant's Baileys thus far from this position. They have pressed us rather heavily, and we have suffered considerable casualties. We need a key from the Warden of the Gates -- Calum -- in order to seal the doors between this gatehouse and the Peasant's Bailey.

Cirrico: Though it drains my hope to admit it, he usually spends most of his time in South Gate. If I thought we had any hope of success, I would personally lead an assault against South Gate, in hopes of recovering Calum and his keys. I hate to spare even one of my girls now, though -- especially on such a hopeless mission.

Cirrico: We would be very grateful for this; otherwise, we will be slowly ground to pieces. My sisters and I will fight on with renewed hope, now that we have regained contact with the other forces here in Avalon.

Dagmar: Mara has long been a shining example to the younger initiates of our sisterhood. Her dedication -- and her stubbornness, some might say -- are quite well know. She must have been seriously injured to have allowed you to take her place.

Dagmar: That sounds just like her. She can be difficult at times, but her devotion to the welfare of our sisterhood and our charges is unshakeable.

Cera: We are an order of women of noble birth, who have long existed to champion the defense of the defenseless. We care for the poor and sick, and take up arms in their defense when we must.

Cera: Generally, we find our work is best accomplished without drawing attention to ourselves; as women, we are difficult to accept on the front lines. We have found our place, and it has proven to be a vital one.

Cera: We are pleased that our efforts have made a difference here. We would have preferred to have avoided the bloodshed that has occurred, but we have long been prepared for it.

Now that we know the situation, we can return to Captain Calvaric. After sitting down to write more in our journal, of course. (Like I said, we have to make sure we get all the details down for Tristan!)

Captain Avarous: The Blood Roses? Aren't they nurses?

Captain Avarous: Though I'd have to see it to believe it, a fresh group of warriors would be the kind of surprise we haven't had the good fortune to experience in some time. Do you truly feel they can hold the gatehouse?

Captain Avarous: It's still hard to believe, but your reputation is nothing but honorable among all who speak of you. Very well, I shall prepare to move these men to a more useful area. Tell Captain Calvaric that I may be sending a few his way soon. Stay alive, Goondalf the G -- there's still so much to be done.

Alright, now to--

Wait, what's that say?


Uh, is this even a question?

Corvus is basically a perfect complement to the MagePC.

He has shit tons of heavy armor.

With insane DR like this all over it. Plus tons of HP, he is a beast of a tank, perfect for keeping dudes off us while we sling spells. And most importantly, he already has one of those extra-billowy cloaks introduced in Chapter Five. Unfortunately, taking him means we must give up one of our other stalwart companions.

Sorry Wyatt, it's been real, but magic is king.

A truly majestic sight, a trio of cloaks billowing as the party rushes back to the Outer Bailey!

Well, there's still people here, so we haven't been overrun yet.

Captain Calvaric: The women warriors have finally taken up arms, then? That's good to know, for I've heard they are potent and dedicated fighters once they are pressed into action. Do you believe that can maintain their position against continued assault from the enemy forces here in the Outer Bailey?

Captain Calvaric: No doubt the traitors knew of the catwalk access; fortunately, such a narrow area can be defended by a small number of troops.

Captain Calvaric: Eh? -- Anyway, is there any assistance we can provide for them? We can't commit any more men there, you know, but we may at least be able to resupply them somewhat.

Captain Calvaric: Unfortunately, that I cannot provide now. I've no idea where Calum might be. For now, they will have to do the best they can defending the entire gatehouse. Have you anything else to report on this situation, Goondalf the G?

Captain Calvaric: My thoughts exactly, lad -- I've heard much of your exploits in the caverns, as well as of the necromancer's demise at the hands of a lich the two of you overcame there. Given your experience, I feel you are the most suited man at my disposal to deal with this problem. Do you feel you can take care of these skeletons for us?

Captain Calvaric: Excellent, Goondalf the G. Even though I loathe the idea of retreating, knowing that we will even have the option takes a great deal of worry from my shoulders. 'Tis no small task, but you've developed something of a reputation for overcoming the impossible. [scribbles a note and hands it to you] Here, this will get Wacian to open the cavern doors for you. May the good spirits light your way, as you venture into the darkness against this undead menace.

The Outer Keep isn't the only place where things have changed a lot.

Here in the Inner Bailey, things are looking a bit grim.

Yay! Get well soon, surly seer.

Anora: It was work that needed doing, and like everyone else here, I'm desperate to do anything that might help.

Anora: Oh, the poor girl! I sent her to South Gate shortly before it fell, and I've no idea what's become of her. She's such a sweet young thing, and I shudder to think of her fate.

Anora: She's a very resourceful girl, so perhaps she managed to hide. In truth, I cannot think of her as dead yet, but I know there is little chance for her survival.

Well, that's not good.

But, we have a mission, and to do that mission, we need to see a brother about a cup.

Friar Massus: I have an idea, and I believe it will work. Since we do not have the power of many monks, we must use something just as powerful, which can be employed by a man not of the cloth...

Friar Massus: [nodding absently] The Chalice of Life shall fulfill this purpose... With its innate properties, and some blessed water, even you should be able to perform a sort of... cleansing ritual... on the area where this evil is focused. You see, when there is lingering evil of the type I believe we are facing, the focus of that evil tends to be where the original evil entity spent most of its time. You must find that area -- it is usually rather specific --and soak it with... well, pour holy water from the Chalice on the area.

Friar Massus: No, of course not... However, the Chalice is a very special instrument of our faith. In fact, I believe that it is our very faith in the Chalice and in ourselves that gives it its power. The same goes for holy water. Believe it will work! I believe it shall.

Friar Massus: [laughing] That's the spirit, Goondalf the G! No pun intended, of course! Good luck. I will hear from you soon, then?

Oh yeah. It's exorcism time. Now we just have to decide which of Goondalf's mirror images is going to be the old priest. Or are we the old priest and one of them is the young priest?

The Inner Keep is mostly empty now, with all the knights off fighting and the nobles hiding. But there's still a few people left to talk to.

Oh hey, our good Captain is still around.

Nicophorus: Aye, so y've met the Blood Roses, have y'? Rather exclusive group, those, but they've a good reason t'be. They requested their station, and I hear one of them was responsible for resolving the problems plaguing the Peasant's Bailey earlier. Err, no pun intended, Goondalf the G.

Meanwhile, the room King Reyence is in is completely blockaded.

They won't even move aside when we open the door and wave at them to let us in. Jerks. No matter. I suppose we can do our mission now.

Wacian: I knew it was somethin' strange! Right, lad, ye can go down there, but don't get ye'self hacked up! Godspeed and good luck t' ye! Be sure t' come back safe, else I can't have any more fun pickin' yer brain!

Wacian: Tell them that I'll give them two days' kitchen duty if they don't let you pass! Good luck t' ye, Goondalf the G!

Olni: And how're we t' know that?

Olni: [He looks over to his comrade, who shrugs, before speaking.] That sure sounds like him, and, well, I don't rightly believe that you'd lie to us, Goondalf the G, no matter what th' Queen says.

It's nice somebody believes in us.

Yep, they weren't kidding. Hostile skeletons everywhere.

Just one is no threat though. There wasn't even time for it to get in melee range before it went down.

Here's some shots of the younger brother stealing the spotlight.

Oh, is Corvus in this picture? Can't see him through all the FLASHES OF PRIMORDIAL ESSENCE we're calling down.

He tries though, and we have to give him credit for that. (I will actually be extremely grateful for Corvus once the enemy groups start getting bigger.)

Talk to the hand.

But of course, as before, some of the skeletons are also wizards.


Our beloved bro taking some fire to the face so we have a few more seconds to walk out of the way. o7

Many double-dead skellingtons later...

Oh, that ominous green glow again!

Boooooones! You got some 'SPLAININ' to do!